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We are here to help survivors of sexual assault.
Call our hotline at 979-731-1000.



If you have experienced sexual violence, there are options. Sexual violence is never your fault, no matter the circumstances.

Report to Law Enforcement

You may report to law enforcement, regardless of whether you receive a forensic exam. If you decide to report, we are here to advocate for you and can go with you to the law enforcement agency. You are not alone in this situation.

File a Protective Order

If you have been a survivor of stalking or sexual violence, you can apply for a court order to prevent contact from the abuser. This order is called a "Protective Order." ​​​We can accompany you to the courthouse to file a protective order and advocate for you during the case. 

Crime Victim's Compensation

SARC can provide assistance with Crime Victim's Compensation (CVC) applications for survivors of sexual assault. For info, please contact our hotline at (979) 731-1000. 

Legal Referral 

SARC can provide referrals for legal advice for survivors of sexual violence. If you are interested in making an appointment with an attorney, please call us at (979) 731-1000 for more information. 

Accompaniment to
Law Enforcement & Courts

Trained SARC Advocates provide support to survivors during law enforcement interviews or court proceedings. To schedule an advocate, contact the hotline at (979) 731-1000.

Support Services

SARC can provide 6 weeks of individual sessions with a Sexual Assault Advocate to help validate the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors you have in relation to sexual assault. These sessions teach you about the science behind responses and coping strategies to help calm and settle the nervous system. This program helps prepare for trauma focused therapy if that is the path you choose for your healing, but is also a helpful stand-alone program for any primary or secondary survivor who wants to strengthen their coping
and self-care abilities.

Counseling Service


Using trauma-focused psychotherapy, SARC therapists can help you cope with the physical,
emotional, and psychological effects of the traumatic event.

  • Our team of licensed therapists help you learn about your autonomic nervous

system and how the vagus nerve affects emotion, social connection, and fear
responses. We help you get to know your nervous system and ways to settle
and calm dysregulation.

  • We may also use EMDR therapy which doesn’t require talking in detail about the

trauma. EMDR focuses on changing the emotions, thoughts or behaviors
that result from the distressing experience of trauma. This allows your brain to
resume a natural healing process.

  •  We help you develop self-compassion which is the process of turning

compassion inward. You can learn to give yourself support and encouragement
rather than being judgmental when challenges arise in your life. Research
indicates that self-compassion is one of the most powerful sources of coping and
resilience we have available, radically improving our mental and physical
wellbeing. It motivates us to make changes and reach our goals.

  •  We can incorporate art, writing, music or anything that helps you

in your therapeutic process.

Support Group Schedule

Support Group Information

Support Group
Making Posters
Support Group

We provide FREE survivor support groups for adults who have experienced sexual violence. Survivors who have completed an intake are welcome to attend. 

To find out more and schedule an intake, call our 24-Hour Sexual Assault Hotline at

(979) 731-1000.


Our weekly support groups are therapist facilitated. Groups usually consist of
grounding or calming practices, art, writing, or another activity, and a closing. Groups
are a time to be with other survivors in a non-judgmental space. There is no pressure to
share your story. We provide groups including women, Black women, men, and LGBTQIA throughout the year. We also host client workshops including activities such as poetry, art, singing, and nature walks.


If you, or someone you care about, experienced sexual violence, we are here to help.

​SARC works with survivors, their friends, and their loved ones to support healing, empowerment, and an understanding of the impact of trauma. Sexual violence includes rape, sexual assault, child sexual abuse, intimate partner sexual violence, incest, sexual harassment, stalking, and human trafficking. ​​

24/7 Sexual Assault 
Crisis Hotline

Hotline Advocates are specially trained and can provide support, answer questions, and guidance to the right services. Our hotline is open 24/7 including weekends and holidays and is available for survivors of sexual assault and their loved ones. 

24/7 Hospital Accompaniment

If you choose, you can receive a private exam by a forensic nurse, but you DO NOT have to report to law enforcement if you decide to receive an exam.


  • What is a forensic exam? ​The nurses will provide evidence collection and medical care during this exam. If possible, please do not change your clothes, shower, brush your teeth, eat or drink, or use the bathroom until after the exam. BUT it's ok if you have done any of these things. 


  • The hospital will contact SARC to provide an advocate to accompany you during your exam. However, this is your choice and we do not have to stay. We are here to support you in any way possible. We will bring a care package for you with information relating to your rights as a survivor, as well as essentials like underwear, scrubs, socks, and toiletries that may be needed during or after the exam. 

Crisis Services
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