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What is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is any forced, coerced, or unwanted sexual contact.
Sexual assault can include different forms of violence.
Remember, sexual assault is never the victim’s fault.

What is Sexual Assault?

Outreach Presentations

Types of Sexual Assault

Sexual assault can include, but is not limited, to:

• Attempted rape
• Rape - sexual intercourse or penetration without permission (consent)
• Sexual threats and intimidation
• Incest - sexual contact with a family member
• Sexual assault by intimate partners or persons known to the victim
• Child sexual abuse
• Human sexual trafficking
• Unwanted fondling or sexual touching
• Sexual harassment and street harassment
• Other forms of unwelcome, coerced or non-consensual activity 

Education & Outreach

Training Services

Our Education and Outreach Department coordinates a wide variety of outreach activities, awareness events, and educational presentations across the Brazos Valley. We are available to provide education and prevention information to your school, organization, business, or group.


To schedule a presentation, please call us at (979) 731-1000 or email us at

SARC Services

Overview of services provided by the Sexual Assault Resource Center and issues relating to survivors of sexual violence.

Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships

Introduction to healthy and unhealthy relationship attributes and boundary setting in relationships.

Bystander Intervention

Training to recognize indicators of sexual assault or sexual violence and develop responses to safely intervene in situations.

Sexual Violence 101

Introduction to sexual violence definitions, responses, and services.

Consent & Boundaries

Workshop to develop a fuller understanding of sexual consent and relationship boundaries.

Sexual Harassment

Overview of sexual harassment definitions, applicable state laws, appropriate responses, and intervention and prevention methods. 

Online Safety

Workshop to review and recognize safe online behaviors including online dating, relationships, and communication.


Our staff is available to develop custom workshops or trainings for your company, organization, school, or group. All training listed is available for those 13 years old and older in the Brazos Valley community. Presentations are customized to the age of the audience.



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If you can't find the answer or need help, we are just a phone call away. If you are in immediate danger, call 911 first.


Suicide Hotline: Dial 988


SARC Hotline: (979) 731-1000


State and National Resources
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